
Avellino, Duomo: la facciata principale

Devoted to assumes him and erect in the XII sec., introduces him in the neoclassic forms of the nineteenth-century remaking. Restored after the 1980 earthquake damages, preserve a beautiful greater altar, a tabernacle of Giovanni from Nola in the right chapel of the presbytery and a valuable choir in the apse owed to Clemente Tortelli, both sixteenth-century works. Interesting the Romanesque crypt adorned by Roman fragments, medieval and from frescos of the XVIII sec.



Santuario di Montevergine

The Sacred Image, preserved today on the most greater altar in the Basilica New, has been being revered for centuries by million of believers that every year they visit with fervent spirit of devotion the Sanctuary.
The first certain traces of its presence to Montevergine go up again at the end of 1200 as it attests a preserved document in the file of Montevergine.
Originally it was situated in a chapel in the right aisle of the done Ancient Basilica to build from the abbot Giovanni in 1182.
He/she anchors before, the cult of veneration was turned to the "Madonna of S. Guglielmo" painted by Walter as sign of gratitude toward the Saint that an arm had miraculously recovered him. The Madonna of S. Guglielmo was set on the altar of the central gallery of the Ancient Basilica.
Only after the construction of a new altar in the noble chapel of the Of Angiò, the image of the Madonna of S. Guglielmo was situated near a secondary altar and that that it was already found in the noble chapel you/he/she was set on the new altar.
You decentralized therefore the importance of the revered Madonna and the believers began the adoration of the situated image in the most representative chapel (that noble).
With the time, therefore, the new image became object of a real cult of veneration and got to full title the appellative of "Madonna of Montevergine". You Sacred Image was visible to the cult of the believers in the such chapel, denominated "the Madonna's Chapel", up to the second halves our century and it followed the destiny of the Sacred Image.
During the centuries the cloth has suffered sensitive changes.
Some details have been assistant worthy of note as the crowns set on the head of the Madonna and his/her Child, to work of famous teachers goldsmiths of Naples. In 1960, when him procedette to the construction of the Basilica New, to obviate to the notable influx of the pilgrims, the Sacred image left the Ancient Basilica to be set near the Basilica New finding so worthier position on the Grandiose Throne of the Most greater altar.


Museo Irpino

Avellino, Museo Irpino: anfora apula

Is prepared in the building of the Culture and he is constituted by an archaeological section, a modern and one of the revival. In the first one they are orderly prehistoric finds recovered in Irpinia by the 4° millennium a.C. to the You sec. Among these they detach a mosaic and a macaw of the Roman imperial period recovered to Abellinum; the grave of a head tribe of age open neolitica to Mirabella; the ex vote coming from the temple of Giunone Mefite in the valley of Ansanto, among which it is an important collection of wooden statues and in terracotta; golds, bronzetti, ceramics, tools in stone, vases attics, epigraphs. To the superior plan, in the modern section, 1600 pictures are exposed, 1700, 1800 Neapolitan; a magnificent eighteenth-century Presepio; a collection of porcelains. In the section risorgimentale is documented the contribution irpino to the constitution of the kingdom of Italy.



Scheda Riepilogativa

 Nome Museo

 Museo Irpino


 Palazzo della Cultura, c.so Europa


 Tel. 0825/38582

 Orario Apertura

 Aperto 8-14 e 15-18 - chiuso sabato e domenica

 Prezzo Ingresso




Museo Zoologico "Orgoriano"

The museum preserves the principal zoological groups being exposed animals coming from the whole world. Divided in the two rooms, the museum includes collections of poriferi, of celenterati, of molluscs, of echinodermi, of vertebrates, of arthropods, particularly lepidotteri of Thailand. Among the samples that deserve particular attention, in how much threatened or already in the street of extinction, they are the numerous madrepores, the shells tridacne and the sea turtle. Among the curiosities the collection of hulls of Italian terrestrial turtle and the collection of the greatest bugs of the world are signalled.

Scheda Riepilogativa

 Nome Museo

 Museo del Centro Caprense "I. Cerio"


 Piazzetta Cerio, 5


 Tel. 081/8370858

 Orario Apertura

 Non visitabile

 Prezzo Ingresso





The territory arianese results already frequented in prehistoric age; in the site of the Starza it had to be us an enormous village individualized in one it extracts of chalk. Numerous countries of excavation have underlined a stratification of installations that departs from the Neolitico (V millenio a.C.) and it comes up to the You - V sec. a.C. In age sannitica in the region Sant'Eleuterio, the foundation of Aequm Tuticum is had that in Roman age an important road knot becomes because they crossed you the street Traiana and the street Herculea.
In the excavations, datable structures are recovered by her/it The ages imperial, without solution of continuity at least actually to the second halves the IV - V sec. d.C.. To age I delay ancient - tall medioevale brings us the actual toponimo of Sant'Eleuterio, bishop of Sow between the V and the VII sec AD according to some studious ones; the inhabitants of Aequm Tuticum, during the barbaric invasions, you/they could have abandoned their center, too exposed to the continuous passage of the armies, to shelter him on the necks of Aryan, where you/they would have founded a new city




Archaeological area of the ancient city of Abellinum Abellinum, important Roman colony already from enough ancient age, with rests that document the center pre - Roman, preexisting preserve from the beginning of the II sec. to. C. to age I delay ancient (V - You sec. AD). The archaeological area defined by the imposing surrounded building, with towers semicircolari, preserve to his/her inside conspicuous testimonies of a domus type pompeiano to atrium and peristilio, that it dealt a whole isolated with the district of the residences in the zone north - oriental, to the summit of the boundaries, in panoramic position. In the Customs of the Wheats in a monumental building, recently restructured, that constitutes a fate of zipper among the archaeological area and the historical center, a permanent show you/he/she can be visited that picks up the deriving testimonies is from the city, that from the basilica paleocristiana risen on the urban oriental necropolis around him "Specus Martyrum" of S.Ippolisto (IV - You sec. AD)



I center in province of Avellino, from which it is far 24 Kms, situated to the center of the valley of the river Clanio. Of origin calcidese, preserve numerous testimonies of the period osco, sannitico and Roman. You/he/she was remembered by Plinio for the production of filberts. Important they are the rests of a Roman amphitheater (among the most ancient of Campania) and of a series of gravestones of age I delay - republican and imperial. A local antiquarium exposes the jewels outfits recovered in the excavations of the two necropolises of the town. Medioevales are visible also a castle of age, the Ducal building (future center of the Archaeological Museum) and numerous churches of precious invoice.


Casalbore rises on a hillock in the Valley of the Miseno. We don't know his/her ancient name but, thanks to the archaeological recoveries, we know that since the antiquity its territory has been frequented by various populations, but probably because you/he/she was crossed from an ancient road denominated Regal Tratturo Pescasseroli - Candle, traced road that allowed connections with Puglia. In age preromana its inhabited area was constituted by shed farms. Of particular relief has been the recovery of a necropolis of graves to tumult datable among halves the You sec. a.C. and the first halves that following. Such tumults, that contain more burials pertinent to the same family nucleus, has diameters that go from 5 to 12 meters, they are tall m. 2,50 and they have a structure in pietrame. The dead persons are in supine position; the masculine depositions are often characterized by the presence of weapons of offense, while the fibulas belong to the female custom. Among the vases of outfit it is characteristic the Kantharos with handles and earrings. In the place Macchia Porcara has been individualized an important datable sacred area for a first phase to the V sec. a.C. After halves the III sec. a.C. the complex has been restructured but the jobs have been interrupted in the 217 a.C. because of the sour clashes of the second war punica. The temple was preceded by an open area with the altar, flanked by porticos. In plant the building templare was constituted from a hallway with six columns, preceded by three terraces, and from a cell. The floors were in cocciopesto with to plot in calcareous stone that you/they created motives to lozenges. The walls were stuccoed and to the inside the decoration was constituted by false ashlars in red and in yellow that finished with a frame to notches. In Roman age Casalbore belonged to the territory of Benevento. Also in this epoch the installation had a shed character. Interesting it is a gravestone of the III sec.d.C. turned into a church devoted Maria of the Boxwoods, whose use is attested up to the VII century d.C to Saint



Archaeological area of the ancient Aeclanum. Important center pre - Roman, religious, been born around for aggregation to a sanctuary of Mefite along the ancient Appia, Aeclanum it was municipium and then imperial colony of age Antonina, period in which the monumentalizzazione of the center has happened.
The excavations concern a vast area of the city, with grandiose buildings as the thermal baths in the sector north - western, and the Christian basilica with baptistery to Greek cross in that oriental. Near this complex in precedence it was situated the area of the public buildings as they testify the rests of the macellum (market) public, to west of the building of cult. You can visit besides the so-called house - shop, a domus with peristilio that in age I delay ancient you/he/she was used as I install handicraft for the manufacture of the glass. Near the place of custody the lapidary one exposes important registrations and fragments of gravestones of age I delay republican and of full imperial age.